Friday, 24 January 2014

Coney Workshop Booked - Building adventures for the classroom

At the Brighton and Hove Arts Express Meeting yesterday I met Rosalie from the Shoreham Undercurrent festival. They were promoting this workshop below, which will inspire and inform the CommuniToy Performances we are exploring in our R&D. Coneys work is immersive, fun and i am excited about applying some of their approaches to CommuniToy :)

CommuniToy Performances

Coney Workshop - Building adventures for the classroom

As part of Undercurrent Festival 2014 we’re very pleased to be bringing A Cat Escapes to 300 primary school children in February. As part of this, we’ll be holding two workshops with Undercurrent on the 20th of March that will help artists and teachers build their very own adventures for the classroom, using our award winning Adventures in Learning as inspiration. Coney co-director Tom Bowtell and myself, producer of Adventures in Learning, will be leading the sessions.
Read on for full details, and we hope to see you there!
Alex Rowse

Build Your Own Adventure (for teachers)
This CPD Session is open to KS2 teachers in East and West Sussex. Teachers will use gaming mechanisms, teacher-in-role techniques and interactive narratives to build their own curriculum based adventure for the classroom.

Build Your Own Adventure (for artists)
This professional development session is open to writers, performers, game makers, facilitators and set/prop designers. Drawing on the new primary curriculum artists will use gaming mechanisms, responsive writing and character design for interactive stories to create their own adventures for educational contexts.
Both sessions take place in Sussex on Thursday 20th March.
Venue: Blast Theory
Teachers’ session 1-4pm
Artists’ session 5-8pm
£8 per attendee
For more information and to book your place email

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Group Meeting Number 1

Areas we are Researching ideas discussed at first meeting. We selected people to take a lead on areas, and to feedback developments at the next meeting.

  • IdentiToy - Louis
-Turn your toy into a real life puppet

- Tracking methods

- Kinect currently to laggy
- Kinect two out in May/June

- 3D scanning
- making interactive programs talk together

  • Robotic CommuniToy - Chris 
- Servos best options
- Best methods to deliver in accessible workshops  - jitterbugs? wheeled hacks?
- Raseberry pi controlling?
- Lego Mindstorm
  • CommuniToy Animations - Louis and David

- look at platforms in animations

- i stop motion

- green screen
- puppet tolls - hungarian puppet software - David look at
- the bemuda tapes - 2D hand drawn animations
- Animata
  • Bespoke CommuniToys - Hannah and David

- introducing to Tuesday nights at Emmaus sessions as a project

- Wood turner ?
- router ?
- sourcing materials
- bespoke fabric
  • CommuniToy Kits - Chris and David

- look at components - companies

- pencil cases - with kit
- workshops run in science festival
- robot remote control cones -£100 for 1 cone - handdrill argo
- sugru and lego - modular
- motors
- LEDs
  • CommuniToy Performances - Hannah and Charlotte

- Cardboard costumes
- Meeting to include Charlotte and Matt
- look up training
  • Other Items discussed
Creating Project Blog - Hannah to set up on blogger 
Build Brighton Access - David sorting and keys
Equipment needed and Ordering materials- Source and discuss with David