Sunday, 31 August 2014

R&D report - software and geeky bits (Louis d'Aboville)

Our broad aims for our R&D period were to "design and make CommuniToy artifacts that are robotic, virtual, animated, motion reactive and explore the fusion of craft techniques and digital technologies."

I have mainly been looking at the software side of this. Investigating, learning, and experimenting with a range of different technologies to find interesting ways to do these things, to integrate them with what we do, and to develop new ways to engage with content generated by young people.

This list of posts from the R&D blog summarizes the highlights from tools investigated and projects completed during this research (in a roughly chronological order).

 - Puppeteering with Zigfu

 - After Effects Puppet tool

 - Animata

 - Scratch

 - Arduino & Servos

 - ICT Art connect

 - Oculus Rift

 - 3D scanning and modelling

 - Augmented reality experiences with Aurasma


This has been an extremely fruitful few months for Exploring Senses. The most exiting outcome for me has been gaining a working knowledge of the available tools out there to create, modify and display 3D models. We have started to accumulate a library of 3D scanned toy hacks and body parts, and found ways of getting these into augmented reality and virtual reality experiences, and over the next few months will be refining our workflow for this further, and developing these into an exhibit-able form.

- Gallery of toys created with 123D catch

- Gallery of objects created with Structure Sensor

- Link to Exploring Senses' Aurasma augmented reality channel (only works on a mobile)


Over the course of the research, the technologies available to us have changed drastically. Lots of things have become more accessible, and many significant advances have been made. We have acquired an Oculus Rift, a 3D printer and  a Microsoft Kinect v2, and the direction of our investigations have shifted accordingly.

As these are such relatively young technologies, many are still in a somewhat rough, experimental state. As such, and also as a result of taking a broad approach to look at as many avenues as possible in our research. we have not achieved a huge amount with any single one of them yet, but we have a good overview of what is out there, and what we want to do next.

We will be using our newly acquired Structure Sensor to build up a lirbary of scanned models.

Digging a little deeper over the next few months will be extremely interesting, as many of these technologies are just on the brink of being in a state where they are usable, affordable, and available to the general public. We are very excited to explore the space of possibilities as it unfolds, and have a ton of ideas for directions to take things, future projects, and things to explore during the young inventors center makerspace project.

CommuniToy Animations

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